Monday, April 11, 2016

Why I Don't Support Trump - The Short List

Trump.  The one thing I can't seem to get away from no matter what I do.  Even going on vacation and not turning on the TV or computer ended with me getting a phone call advertising for his campaign.  The saturation level of Trump is getting absurd.  I have begun boycotting places I normally get news about the world from because I just can't stand another headline about Trump, let alone photo or audio.

Trump entering the race and showing his own true colors over the course of the last 9 months has had an interesting effect in those around me.  Those who support him have really begun to show their true colors as well.  I can't say I'm overly impressed with all these true colors flying around.  It's kind of a frightening scene unfolding before my eyes filled with a lot more anger and hatred and prejudice that I could ever have guessed.

So why don't I support Trump?  Here's the short list:

  1. I don't believe he's really a conservative.  One can register in a party they don't really believe in and espouse values with lip service that they don't really practice.  This is evident in his lack of actions to back up any of his conservative belief claims.  I haven't seen a shred of evidence in actions, devoting time, or even much funds towards the values he claims to espouse now.  He doesn't even spent much time researching conservative issues, his views on them, and his policy ideas regarding them, not even the standard party platform based ones that any real conservative should know.
  2. He doesn't understand the basics of American Civics.  His statements about Supreme Court Justices signing bills is evidence of that.  That's not the role of the Supreme Court - ever.  My elementary school aged children know this.  I don't have any confidence that he actually knows the limitations of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government of the US.
  3. He says horrible things about women that don't worship him.  This really disturbs me.  He tries to woo journalists and then later rips them apart if he isn't given preferential treatment.  His hubris knows no bounds when it comes to how much value he places on his opinion of a woman, especially a strong one who doesn't fall at his feet.  He's been known to say horrible things about people even before he ran for office and liked ad hominem attacks using his twitter account as a weapon and even given ridiculous opinions on celebrities and their lives as if they cared what he thought of their dating lives.
  4. He is definitely dishonest.  In best cases he exaggerates ridiculously, and worst cases he makes things up out of thin air.  The amount of times he lies about something or is dishonest, exaggerating about things is phenomenal.  If I can't trust him based on actions, let alone his words - what does he have to recommend himself to me as my president?
  5. What's a Constitution?  He doesn't ever bring up this key element in our government.  I don't think he's read it, or understands it.  If he had, he'd know that we aren't a democracy as he keeps saying and expecting (especially inside private organizations like the Republican party), and he would know that the way America was great to begin with had to do with THIS document.  He has no plan to back up his "Make America Great Again" slogan.  It probably just sounded good.

Bottom line:  My vote is something that has to be earned with proven values, proven actions and sound policies.  My vote does not belong to someone just because he has lots of money.

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